用访谈形式“塑造”人物,要观众在最短时间内在概念上认定这个人物是谁,有什么特征、有什么性格,为的就是减少与观众的沟通成本。你就带着这个印象与期待往下看就好了,Ta就是这样一个____的人。相当于把观众的上帝身份加强到极点,如此下来,电影里的人物不会“出错”,人物状态也不是什么值得细聊的东西,角色与观众是不存在那一层纱的。 这么一来,围绕人物的故事展开就无法走传统的类型片路径了,因为这条路的前提是人物与观众的观看行为是同步演进的、运动的。于是,高概念就为这个特征服务,不存在什么故事,巨乳催眠家族只是一堆事情与场景的链接,它们服务于一个概念之下,让观众最起码有这样一个基点可以进入叙事。
Reminiscent of 19th century social novels. Akahige tells the story of an upper-class doctor who goes through the life-changing experience of working in an overcrowded, low-budget clinic. He reluctantly comes in, self-centered and stubborn, but ends up abandoning his privileges to dedicate his life to curing the poor. It’s a movie with a strong progressive statement: the people’s health is first and foremost a social and political problem. Unfortunately, the message is hammered down with way more insistence and explicitness than needed, occasionally telling more than showing. On all other accounts, it splendidly delivers, from the subplots structure to the stellar photography & acting.